Easy Mini Dream Catchers Tutorial

Easy Mini Dream Catchers Tutorial

Here is a quick tutorial on how to make a Mini Dream Catcher. We have made many different variations of them in the past, but this one is great for most ages as we have eliminated the weaving part, which can be tricky.

Okay, let's get started:

What you need:

  • Round Cardboard pieces (we used old paper drink coasters)
  • Pipe Cleaners (Various colours)
  • Oil Pastels
  • Watercolour paints
  • Various offcuts of wool, ribbon and string
  • Beads – we had wooden and plastic (keep in mind that the wooden ones are great for kids as they have a larger threading circle
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Hole punch
Easy mini dream catcher tutorial for kids | Creative Corner Studio

The Steps:

Step one:

Draw a design on the circle using oil pastels, it can resemble a real dream catcher or can be anything really. do this on both sides of the circle – we used two coasters as there was a pattern on one side.

Easy mini dream catcher tutorial for kids | Creative Corner Studio

Step two:

Paint over the top of the oil pastel with the watercolours. This is where is ios important to use oil pastels as it gives the paint resist effect.

Step three:

Punch 4 holes – 1 up the top and 3 down the bottom

Easy mini dream catcher tutorial for kids | Creative Corner Studio

Step four:

Use a pipe cleaner to hang from the top and thread with beads

Step five:

Use string, ribbons, wool and beads to make the bottom off the catcher


Easy mini dream catcher tutorial for kids | Creative Corner Studio Easy mini dream catcher tutorial for kids | Creative Corner Studio

Ta Da - You now have an adorable dream catcher ready to hang!

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